What is eCOGRA Certified?

With so many casino sites on the Internet, it’s hard to know that the one you find is safe and fair. While there are a number of signs that can point to problems at a given casino site — the insistence on accepting payments only through credit cards, no effort towards customer service — there is also a way to know that the casino site is safe. Just look for the eCOGRA certificate on the site. eCOGRA is a London-based agency that monitors operations at online casinos to ensure that the casinos are playing fair. Seeing an eCOGRA certificate on a casino website won’t tell you that the games are any easier to win or that your odds are better than advertised. But it will tell you that the casino complies with the best practices of the industry and you’ll find safe casino gambling for real money at the site.

Enforcing Safe Casino Gambling Practices

eCOGRA was created to protect people who like to play casino games online. In addition to monitoring the way the casinos carry out their practices, the agency also helps foster a safe casino gambling environment by serving as a mediator in disputes between players and casinos. Without a credible mediator, players would have no recourse in disputes other than the legal systems of the various countries that host the casino sites. That would make a small dispute to expensive and time consuming to warrant real attention, putting people at the mercy of potentially unscrupulous casino operators. It would also make the public far more wary of transferring money to a casino site. But thanks to the high standards upheld by eCOGRA, people understand that the approved sites provide a safe casino gambling experience. People also have resources for information that’s easily accessible.

Ensuring the Casinos Stay Safe

As the online casino continues to grow and spread in popularity, first through high quality games played on desktop computers then through the mobile casino for cellular phones and tablet computers, the need for quality standards continues to grow along with it. eCOGRA plays that important role, setting the standards for best practices for casinos that want to be recognized as safe, and then enforcing those standards for those casinos. As a result, casinos that are certified as safe and fair by eCOGRA will continue to earn the public’s trust while the others come and go across the Internet.